What do you do on a Snowy Jersey Sunday?
Watch an old movie, Heaven Can Wait (1943)
But before I say more, let me tell you the conflict I had with this movie—it steers you, as Hollywood does, into thinking about qualifications for the afterlife. Is Heaven or Hell that easy to get into?
IMDB's description is: "An old roue' arrives in Hades to review his life with Satan, who will rule on his eligibility to enter the Underworld."
The opening scene: Don Ameche is walking down a staircase, and he sees His Excellency (Satan), played by actor Laird Cregar, and begins to go over why he's there; he begins his life story, his character Henry Van Cleve from childhood was a charmer of women, and his own family, he was selfish and a liar a behavior which followed him into adulthood. In the conversation he was having- Satan was determining whether he qualified for Hell. I won't tell you the end if you want to watch it. By the way, satan refers to heaven as “up there,” with no mention of God.
But here's why I am writing you today-
It Got Me Thinking…
When people watch this and other themes that allow them to think they can get into Heaven just because they are good, they are sadly mistaken.
Then I thought, Why did this movie portray satan and hell as attractive? It seems so many movies today focus on an evil plot like it’s good. I know, it’s just fiction, but it also has ramifications.
The Movie industry makes people consider that if a bad guy/girl who does good things is a hero, people are easily misled. No one can get into Heaven on merit, how good they are, or acts of deeds or goodness. The gate is narrow, Jesus said in
Matthew 7:13-14 Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate, and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, only a few find it.
So many are following the wide gate and not trusting the gate that leads to Christ. Many are misled into thinking it's cool to follow these storylines and lead that life, which could lead some to twisted thinking.
My concern is whether you use your discernment to know what you believe and correct what people follow. Ultimately leading them to the one who can and will save their souls when they come to Him in repentance and faith. Jesus Christ
How can you apply this to your conversation?
Ask someone where they think they will go after they leave here.
There's your opening. You can tell them your story or what you know about Jesus.
I try to support the Christian film industry because people like the Boylan Sisters, Dray Hill-The Rapture Chronicles, and Brett Varvel, filmmaker, actor of Disciples in the Moonlight, and so many more, are trying to make Hollywood changes to great entertainment for people and families. Watching a film like “Heaven Can Wait” (1943) puts into perspective what has been happening in the film industry and allows people to follow the lie that “You Qualify for Heaven” if you are a good person. Satan is the father of lies, and sadly, infecting those who take it as truth
Let’s all pray for a cleaner Hollywood.