Dale’s Story: Is it possible to die and come back again?
Dale Black not only died in a plane crash and experienced seeing himself and everything around him, but experiencing what hell was like and meeting Jesus.
Available 10.3 @ 9 pm EST
1 John 1:5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.
Tim Llewellyn is a Christian actor after the heart of God and today we are talking about his recently produced short film called The ART of Acknowledgment - a must-see for everyone.
Tim said:” We believe this film brings awareness to the severity and significance of how important it is with how we treat people. To take our words and actions seriously with one another, and to be mindful of others around us everywhere we go, being intentional with how we acknowledge the Lord and each other.”
Video Interview available 10.6 @12 noon EST
Hope you enjoy this week’s interviews please be sure to share it with someone today!